
We are Indonesia based company with global headquarters located in Jakarta.

The Company started Mining Operations and Sourcing Coal from East Kalimantan in Indonesia

Our Operations include Sr. Geologists, Mining Engineers, Procurement & QC, Finance and are spread across Indonesia, Singapore and India. We have Branch Offices in Ahmedabad and Kandla in India

The company has entered Indian market by introducing its flagship ‘Blackston’ Brand of coal. The first of its kind initiative to standardize coal industry in the Indian subcontinent.

We cover end to end activity of supply chain of the coal such that our customer gets the maximum value.



Quality Assurance






Sales to Customer


Market Gap

Market is Huge and spread across length and breadth of the Country. Industries are present in the Remotest and far fetched Locations. Their Supply Chain is dependent upon Importers and Traders located in nearby Cities or Port Locations. Most of the times Traders and Users are not having sufficient Information about the Choices and Quality available. Due to the same, Market is highly Unorganized and prone to Unsatisfactory Trade Practices and Gap in Supply Chain

Customers today are expecting players having focus on Customer Satisfaction and commitment to Quality. This will help the Coal Import, Trading and User Market to move away from Traditional Practices to Organized Market Scenario

We foresee the need to provide end to end supply of coal to the customers by providing them fair alternative.

Going forward we not only see the need in the coal market, but all the other commodities and mineral market across south east Asia.

Vision :

To organize coal market


To strengthen the supply network such that our customers get maximum value


  • Meet customer expectations in terms of price, quality, and dependability in delivery of products.
  • Control Quality through management initiatives and use of scientific methods that results into customer satisfaction
  • Build company culture to provide top of the class customer service experience

Our Safety Practices

Career with Blackston